As of December 15, 2016, BIS is implementing a change to the standard language on validated licenses to align with the change in requirements specific to destination control statements that was published in a rule on August 17, 2016 (81 FR 54721 ) and went into effect on November 17, 2016.  BIS is also implementing one other minor change to the standard license text.  Before December 15, the language read as follows:
“The Export Administration Regulations require you to take the following actions when exporting under the authority of this license.
A.    Record the Export Commodity Control Number in the block provided in the Automated Export System (AES).
B.    Record your validated license number in the block provided in AES.
C.    Place a Destination Control Statement on all bills of lading, airway bills and commercial invoices.”
As of December 15, this language has been changed to read (new text in italics):
“The Export Administration Regulations require you to take the following actions when exporting under the authority of this license.
A.    Record the Export Control Classification Number in the block provided in the Automated Export System (AES).
B.    Record your validated license number in the block provided in AES.
C.    Place a Destination Control Statement on all commercial invoices for shipments of items on the Commerce Control List.”
This new language will appear on all current validated licenses that are available for review or printing in BIS’ SNAP-R system.
If you have any questions about these changes, please call BIS’ export counselors at either 202-482-4811 (Washington, DC), 949-660-0144 (Irvine, CA) or 408-998-8806 (San Jose, CA).

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